In Chinese astrology similar to Western astrology there are signs representing each month, but the major difference between these ideologies is the usage of a corresponding animal which is the symbol for each sign in the Chinese astrological system, and each animal represents characteristics or traits of what the individual's future year can be planned by, this supposedly helps the individual learn patience and manage the coming difficulties.
We have an illustrative representation of each corresponding animal in the Chinese Zodiac chart, the animals correspond to the following dates.
Jan 6th - Feb 3rd | Ox Chinese wall decal
Feb 4th - Mar 5th | Tiger Chinese wall decal
Mar 6th - Apr 4th | Rabbit Chinese wall decal
Apr 5th - May 4th | Dragon Chinese wall decal
May 5th -June 5th | Snake Chinese wall decal
Jun 6th - July 6th | Horse Chinese wall decal
Jul 7th - Aug 6th | Goat Chinese wall decal
Aug 7th - Sep 7th | Monkey Chinese wall decal
Sep 8th - Sep 22 | Rooster Chinese wall decal
Oct 8th - Nov 6th | Dog Chinese wall decal
Nov 7th - Dec 6th | Pig Chinese wall decal
Dec 7th - Jan 5th | Rat Chinese wall decal
We hope you love these as much as we do, each design collection was carefully selected for the purpose of decal and sticker creation.